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Which Motorcycle Suit Should I Choose - Leather or Textile?

  • 01 May 2024

Choosing the right motorcycle gear is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your riding experience. Among the many considerations, one question that often arises is, "Which motorcycle suit should I choose - leather or textile?" This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between leather and textile motorcycle suits to help you make an informed decision on which motorcycle suit you should choose.

Durability and Protection

When it comes to durability and protection, leather motorcycle suits have traditionally been the go-to choice. Leather has a high abrasion resistance, which means it can withstand significant wear and tear. In case of an accident, a leather suit can provide excellent protection against road rash and other injuries.

On the other hand, modern textile suits are also designed with safety in mind. They are usually made from materials like Cordura or Kevlar, which are known for their high durability and resistance to tearing. Some textile suits also come with reinforced areas for added protection.

Comfort and Fit

Leather motorcycle suits are typically more form-fitting than textile ones. They tend to hug your body closely, providing a snug fit that many riders appreciate for its feel of security and control. However, this tight fit might not be comfortable for everyone, especially during long rides.

Textile motorcycle suits offer more flexibility in terms of fit. They usually come with adjustable straps and panels that allow you to customise the fit according to your comfort level. Moreover, textile materials are generally lighter than leather, making them more comfortable for long-distance riding.

Weather Adaptability

One significant advantage of textile suits over leather ones is their adaptability to different weather conditions. Most textile suits come with waterproof liners that keep you dry during rainy rides. They also have ventilation systems that can be opened or closed depending on the weather – making them suitable for both hot and cold climates.

Leather suits do not fare as well in this aspect. While they provide excellent insulation during cold weather, they can become uncomfortably hot during summer rides. Moreover, leather is not naturally waterproof and requires regular treatment to maintain its water resistance.


Leather suits require more maintenance than textile ones. They need to be cleaned regularly with special leather cleaners and conditioners to prevent them from drying out and cracking. Exposure to rain or excessive sweat can also damage the leather, so it's important to dry your suit properly after each ride.

Textile suits are generally easier to maintain. Most of them are machine-washable and do not require any special cleaning products. However, they might need occasional re-waterproofing if they start losing their water resistance.


Finally, let's not forget about style – an important factor for many riders. Leather suits have a classic, timeless appeal that is hard to beat. They are often associated with a certain "cool" factor that many riders appreciate.

Textile suits, on the other hand, offer more variety in terms of colours and designs. They also look more modern and technical, which might appeal to riders who prefer a sportier look.

Which Motorcycle Suit - Leather or Textile?

In conclusion, both leather and textile motorcycle suits have their pros and cons. Your choice between the two should depend on your specific needs and preferences.

If you value durability, protection, and style above all else – a leather suit might be the right choice for you. But if you prioritise comfort, weather adaptability, easy maintenance – a textile suit could be a better option.

Remember that safety should always be your top priority when choosing motorcycle gear. Whichever type of suit you choose – make sure it fits well, offers adequate protection, and meets all safety standards.

Race Leathers Motorcycle Clothing

Check out our full range of products, such as motorcycle clothing, motorcycle boots, motorcycle helmets, motorcycle gloves, motorcycle suits, motorcycle jackets, and motorcycle trousers, which are available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers on 01254 704 000, and we will be more than happy to help.