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Can You Use an Old Motorcycle Helmet?

  • 06 Jul 2024

Motorcycle helmets are a critical piece of safety gear for any rider. They protect your head from severe injuries in the event of an accident. However, many riders often wonder if they can continue using their old motorcycle helmets or if they need to invest in a new one. This blog post will explore the various factors to consider when deciding whether to use an old motorcycle helmet.

The Lifespan of a Motorcycle Helmet

Manufacturer Recommendations

Most motorcycle helmet manufacturers recommend replacing your helmet every five years. This recommendation is based on several factors, including the degradation of materials over time and advancements in safety technology. Even if your helmet appears to be in good condition, it may not provide the same level of protection as a new one.

Material Degradation

Motorcycle helmets are made from materials like polycarbonate, fibreglass, and carbon fibre, all of which degrade over time. Exposure to sunlight, sweat, and other environmental factors can weaken these materials, reducing the helmet's ability to absorb impact effectively.

Signs That Your Helmet Needs Replacing

Visible Damage

One of the most obvious signs that you need a new motorcycle helmet is visible damage. Cracks, dents, and scratches can compromise the structural integrity of your helmet. If you notice any visible damage, it's time to invest in a new one.

Loose or Worn Interior Padding

The interior padding of your motorcycle helmet plays a crucial role in providing comfort and protection. Over time, this padding can become compressed or worn out, reducing its effectiveness. If you find that your helmet no longer fits snugly or feels uncomfortable, it's likely time for a replacement.

Outdated Safety Standards

Safety standards for motorcycle helmets evolve over time as new research and technology emerge. An older helmet may not meet current safety standards set by organisations like ECE (Economic Commission for Europe), DOT (Department of Transportation), or Snell Memorial Foundation. Using an outdated helmet could put you at greater risk in an accident.

The Risks of Using an Old Motorcycle Helmet

Reduced Protection

As mentioned earlier, materials degrade over time. An old motorcycle helmet may not offer the same level of protection as a newer model due to weakened materials and outdated safety features.

Compromised Fit

A proper fit is essential for a motorcycle helmet to provide adequate protection. Over time, the interior padding can wear out or become compressed, leading to a loose fit. A poorly fitting helmet can shift during an accident, reducing its effectiveness.

Legal Implications

In some regions, there are legal requirements regarding the age and condition of motorcycle helmets used on public roads. Using an old or damaged helmet could result in fines or other legal consequences.

When It's Okay to Use an Old Motorcycle Helmet

Minimal Use

If you only ride occasionally and your old motorcycle helmet is still in good condition with no visible damage or signs of wear, it may be acceptable for minimal use. However, it's always best to err on the side of caution and replace your helmet if you're unsure about its condition.

Collectible Helmets

Some riders collect vintage or antique motorcycle helmets as memorabilia rather than for actual use. In this case, it's perfectly fine to keep and display these helmets as long as they're not being used for riding.

Tips for Prolonging the Life of Your Motorcycle Helmet

Proper Storage

Store your motorcycle helmet in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when not in use. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of it or storing it near chemicals that could degrade its materials.

Regular Cleaning

Clean your helmet regularly using mild soap and water. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the exterior shell or interior padding.

Handle with Care

Avoid dropping your helmet or subjecting it to unnecessary impacts. Even minor drops can cause internal damage that's not visible but could compromise its protective capabilities.

Is It Worth Using an Old Motorcycle Helmet?

While it might be tempting to continue using an old motorcycle helmet to save money, it's essential to consider the potential risks involved. The degradation of materials over time and advancements in safety technology mean that older helmets may not provide adequate protection in an accident.

Investing in a new motorcycle helmet is worth ensuring maximum safety while riding. Always prioritise your well-being by regularly inspecting your gear and replacing it when necessary.

Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear

Check out our full range of motorcycle helmets, including full face motorcycle helmets, open face motorcycle helmets, flip front motorcycle helmets, off road motorcycle helmets and childrens motorcycle helmets, available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear store on 01254 704 000 and we will be more than happy to help.
