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How to Avoid Heat on a Motorcycle?

  • 15 Jul 2024

Riding a motorcycle during the summer can be an exhilarating experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of the most significant issues is dealing with the heat. The combination of high temperatures and protective gear can make for an uncomfortable ride. However, there are several strategies you can employ to stay cool and comfortable. In this blog post, we will explore various ways to avoid heat on a motorcycle, focusing particularly on the importance of summer motorcycle suits.

Choose the Right Gear

Summer Motorcycle Suits

When it comes to riding in hot weather, your choice of gear is crucial. Summer motorcycle suits are specifically designed to provide protection while maximising airflow and breathability. Look for suits made from lightweight materials such as mesh or perforated leather. These materials allow air to circulate freely, helping to keep your body cool.

Ventilated Helmets

Your helmet is another essential piece of gear that can significantly impact your comfort level. Opt for a ventilated helmet that has multiple air vents. These vents facilitate airflow, reducing heat build-up inside the helmet.

Moisture-Wicking Fabrics

Underneath your summer motorcycle suit, wear moisture-wicking fabrics that draw sweat away from your skin. This helps in keeping you dry and comfortable during long rides.

Hydration is Key

Staying hydrated is vital when riding in hot weather. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased concentration, both of which are dangerous when you're on a motorcycle.

Drink Plenty of Water

Always carry a water bottle with you and take regular breaks to drink water. If possible, invest in a hydration pack that allows you to drink without stopping.

Avoid Caffeinated Beverages

Caffeine can dehydrate you further, so it's best to avoid coffee or energy drinks before or during your ride.

Plan Your Ride Wisely

Timing and route planning can make a significant difference in how much heat you have to endure.

Early Morning or Late Evening Rides

Try to schedule your rides for early morning or late evening when temperatures are generally cooler. Avoid riding during peak afternoon hours when the sun is at its strongest.

Shaded Routes

If possible, choose routes that offer plenty of shade from trees or buildings. This can help reduce direct exposure to sunlight and keep you cooler.

Take Regular Breaks

Long rides in hot weather can be exhausting. Taking regular breaks not only helps you stay hydrated but also gives your body a chance to cool down.

Find Air-Conditioned Stops

Whenever possible, take breaks at air-conditioned rest stops or cafes where you can cool off before hitting the road again.

Cool Down Your Gear

During breaks, remove your helmet and jacket to allow sweat to evaporate more quickly. This will help lower your body temperature faster.

Use Cooling Accessories

There are several accessories available that can help keep you cool while riding.

Cooling Vests and Bandanas

Cooling vests and bandanas are designed to retain water and provide evaporative cooling as air passes over them. Simply soak them in water before wearing them for an added layer of comfort.

Handlebar Fans

While not as common, handlebar fans are another option for those looking for extra cooling measures. These small fans attach directly to your handlebars and provide a constant stream of air towards you as you ride.

Maintain Your Bike Properly

A well-maintained bike runs more efficiently and generates less heat overall.

Check Fluid Levels

Ensure that all fluid levels (oil, coolant) are topped up as per manufacturer recommendations since these fluids play a crucial role in keeping engine temperatures down.

Inspect Tyres

Properly inflated tyres reduce friction with road surfaces which means less heat generation overall.


Riding a motorcycle in hot weather doesn't have to be an uncomfortable experience if you're well-prepared . Investing in quality summer motorcycle suits , staying hydrated , planning wisely , taking regular breaks , using cooling accessories ,and maintaining your bike properly will go along way towards ensuring enjoyable rides even under scorching conditions . So gear up smartly , plan ahead ,and hit those roads confidently this summer !

Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear

Check out our full range of products, such as motorcycle clothingmotorcycle bootsmotorcycle helmetsmotorcycle glovesmotorcycle suitsmotorcycle jackets and motorcycle trousers, which are available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear store on 01254 704 000, and we will be more than happy to help.
