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How Do You Fit a Helmet on a Child?

  • 01 Sep 2024

When it comes to ensuring the safety of our children, few items are as crucial as a properly fitted helmet. Whether they are riding a bicycle, scooter, or motorcycle, children's motorcycle helmets play an essential role in protecting their heads from potential injuries. However, many parents struggle with how to fit these helmets correctly. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of fitting a helmet on a child and provide you with step-by-step guidance to ensure that your child's helmet fits snugly and securely.

Why Proper Helmet Fitting is Important

Before diving into the fitting process, it’s vital to understand why proper helmet fitting is so important. A well-fitted helmet can significantly reduce the risk of head injuries in the event of an accident. Children's heads are proportionally larger than their bodies, making them more susceptible to injury if their helmets do not fit correctly. A loose or improperly adjusted helmet can shift during an impact, leaving parts of the head unprotected.

Moreover, wearing a poorly fitted helmet can be uncomfortable for your child, leading them to resist wearing it altogether. This resistance can put them at greater risk when engaging in activities like riding motorcycles or bicycles.

Choosing the Right Helmet

Before you even start fitting a helmet on your child, it's crucial to choose the right one. When selecting children's motorcycle helmets, consider the following:

  1. Size: Measure your child's head circumference using a soft measuring tape just above their eyebrows and around the back of their head.
  2. Weight: Ensure that the helmet is lightweight enough for your child to wear comfortably for extended periods.
  3. Certification: Look for helmets that meet safety standards such as DOT (Department of Transportation) or ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) certifications.
  4. Style: Choose a style that appeals to your child—this could be anything from bright colours to favourite characters.

Once you have selected an appropriate helmet based on these criteria, it's time to fit it correctly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fitting a Helmet

Step 1: Prepare Your Child

Before putting on the helmet, ensure that your child is calm and comfortable. Explain why wearing a helmet is important for their safety and encourage them to participate in the fitting process.

Step 2: Positioning the Helmet

  1. Hold the Helmet: Start by holding the helmet by its chin straps.
  2. Place It on Their Head: Gently place it over your child's head so that it sits level from front to back—about one inch above their eyebrows.
  3. Check Alignment: The front edge should not tilt back; if it does, adjust accordingly.

Step 3: Adjusting Straps

  1. Chin Strap: Buckle up the chin strap and ensure it's snug but not too tight—your child should be able to open their mouth comfortably without feeling restricted.
  2. Side Straps: Adjust side straps so they form a "V" shape just below each ear.
  3. Final Check: The straps should be tight enough that you cannot pull them away from your child's face but loose enough for comfort.

Step 4: Testing Fit

Once everything is adjusted:

  1. Shake Test: Ask your child to shake their head gently from side-to-side and up-and-down while wearing the helmet.
  2. Movement Check: The helmet should stay in place without shifting excessively; if it moves around too much or feels loose at any point during this test, readjust accordingly.

Step 5: Comfort Check

Finally, ask your child how they feel while wearing the helmet:

  • Is there any discomfort?
  • Does anything pinch or rub against their skin?
  • Are they able to see clearly without obstruction?

If there are any issues regarding comfort or visibility, make necessary adjustments until they feel satisfied with how it fits.

Maintenance Tips for Children's Motorcycle Helmets

To ensure longevity and continued protection from children's motorcycle helmets:

  • Regularly check for signs of wear and tear such as cracks or frayed straps.
  • Clean both inside and outside with mild soap and water; avoid harsh chemicals that could degrade materials.
  • Store helmets in cool places away from direct sunlight when not in use. 

Fitting a children's motorcycle helmet properly is essential for ensuring safety while riding various vehicles like bicycles or scooters—and especially motorcycles! By following these steps diligently—from choosing an appropriate size down through testing fit—you can help protect your child's head effectively against potential injuries.

Remember always to encourage good habits regarding safety gear usage; instilling these values early will serve them well throughout life! So next time you're gearing up for an adventure with your little one—make sure that snug-fitting children's motorcycle helmets are part of that journey!

Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear

Check out our full range of Duchinni Helmets and other motorbike products, such as motorcycle clothingmotorcycle bootschildrens motorcycle helmetsmotorcycle glovesmotorcycle suitschilds motorcycle jackets and childrens motorcycle trousers, which are available online or by visiting our Darwen store today. If you have any questions regarding any of our ranges, please call our customer service team at Race Leathers Motorcycle Gear store on 01254 704 000, and we will be more than happy to help.
